Wednesday, September 20, 2006

No new pics...waiting on some cool stuff...

Hi there everyone - I know, I know...

We start this blog and all looks promising - get a few comments and emails but nothing new appears.

This is because I'm a bit lazy but mainly because I've had a lot on over the last few weeks. Some good, some bad and some somewhere in between I guess.

Enough of the excuses, news now...firstly Earthdance @ the collingwood kids farm on sunday. Unfortunately I have no pics from there but it was amazing, beautiful and heaps of fun. Amazing location so close to the city, lovely weather and some very very cool firetwirling. Very cool. I played with my practice poi - and along with Rowan we twirled the day away. Rowan matched it with the best during the night, taking to the stage for some fully lit and very cool twirling. You're gold mate.

It's a shame we didn't get some pics as everyone was working off each other and the skills were impressive and the effect even better. does appear that we might have some twirling news for ballarat. Next Wednesday (27/09/2006) plans are afoot for a bit of a shakedown - I'm hesitant to say where here - read the first couple of blogs here...but please contact us for information. It's gonna be informal, just hanging and twirling, we'll grab some fuel, our gear and go for it...for those who have emailed or left comments I'll try to update ya later.

And for those from work who might drop by - there'll probably be an email going out.

Oh...and I decided to post another video...this is Rowan - a few months back...the man is good then...and better now!

Thursday, August 17, 2006 this is kinda cool huh?

Hello there,

I've finally cracked a way of getting some videos up - using vid hosting at - I know it's is probably slow, glitchy and a bit useless but it's also FREE.

Free like the wind.

Or something like that. So I'm gonna post a few short and rather dodgy vidz, shot on Rowans digi still camera. So the quality is actually pretty high for such a camera.

We think it looks good anyway.

The one above should be most of the sprites twirling. I have a blue shirt.

This is Dan. He's an original sprite and a damn fine twirler.

Unfortunately...just as I was uploading video to stream it - the server went down for maintenance.

Please hang out for more vidz later.

There is cool stuff coming.

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Links and what not...

Hey there again - I've been adding links and generally trying to get the site up and running - a guestbook is next on the agenda (use the comments or email to talk with us) (as well as some video (hopefully), some more pics and hopefully some postings from the rest of our little crew).
I've been to and and added us to a webring - we are trying to get some traffic flowing and a real community feel happening. The genesis of our group came from Confest - for those who don't know it - it's a conference festival held twice a year where people meet, speak, act, twirl, and have a lot of fun. This is where we've come from and its what we are hoping to continue in our little city in the country!
We'd love to meet new people for twirling and drumming - we are happy to teach people if anyone is interested - we now have a profile on and hoping to start generating some interest. That's me twirling in the red at the front - from a night in Vic. Park Gardens Ballarat Town. Add some comments, tell your friends, link us, use our pics (permission needed for commercial interests)!

Monday, July 31, 2006

Some twirling pics to share with the world.

Rowan being engulfed by an ancient phoenix.
This is just about my favourite all time twirling photo.
Trying to keep warm in Ballarat winter - some spectators - awesome for us attention seekers.

Young Jamie fires up and lets loose.
Ash...graceful and fast...this boy can twirl.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Problems with the law...

'Lo there general reading public...

Well we're back - I know this was created a while back and not much has happened..its been slow and cold in Ballarat and we've been warned by the authorities to get permission for public twirling. We'll be seeing some more pics and some more stories up soon. Hopefully it won't just be me posting either.

To set the scene: Public park (large - acres and acres of open land fringed by Cypresses, native gums, roads and all the rest.) There are 10 of us twirling a few around a small brazier (no Rowan...not a brassiere :-p). We've just been bombarded by egg throwing, commodore driving, west of wendouree bogans - for those who don't know Ballarat - think westies, bogans, trailer trash, white trash etc - you get the point? They pulled up about 50 metres up the road - we are used to people doing that - firetwirling (with so many talented buggers around) is an amazing night spectator thing to do! Next thing we know...eggs are flying left, right and centre, although the poor little darlings have no innate throwing ability and most were falling way way short (a little pathetic really). I guess they didn't want to get any closer. Not real smart I guess; when there are 10 people spinning fire on hard metal sticks.

Not that we'd use them for evil. I might add that firetwirling is one of the most peaceful activities I have ever participated in. We are a friendly bunch.

Anyway...back to the story...

About 10 minutes after the Commodore Ova-Heroes have disappeared...a patrol car pulls up and whilst we are frantically finishing off our final burns we were politely interrupted. I'm not going to be all controversial or bad arse here - they were polite, respectful and willing to listen, which is impressive especially because there was several of us with burning sticks in our hands. Now we know that twirlers are generally peaceful and anti-violence but I guess in a profession like policing things might be seen differently! What came out of our conversation (which included a warning that any further twirling without a permit would not be received so well (although the officers involved did admit that it looked good). We did ask what the police were going to do about the egg throwers (which seems to me to be a bigger issue than us twirling at night, in carpark, away from trees in the middle of a Ballarat winter - for those who might come from somewhere where Ballarat is not a household name... Ballarat's weather at this time of year )

Anyways, our query about the egg throwing was greeted with a laugh and a 'Welcome to Ballarat' - this sort of thing must happen more often than you'd think!

I guess its easier to locate a bunch of firey types than it is to track down a White Commodore (one of billions in Ballarat...).

Anyway...we packed up and have moved on - now having to find private residences with big front or backyards! So if you are trying to track us down - leave a comment or email us and we'll let you know what is happening!

In the mean time we are struggling to work out what permits we might need (one that has been mentioned is a permit to light fires in public places) through the City of Ballarat council, the CFA or any other relevant bodies. We are just a group of people at the moment...nothing snazzy like a committee or a incorporated group.

I guess we are hoping to hear from anyone who runs or is involved with any regular but not professional twirling nights, events, whatever and have had problems with the authorities. I think its a little bit silly but its not worth getting a fine for it!

Actually we are hoping to hear from any firetwirlers, particularly groups for long walks on the beach and other shit like that. Nah, really, we'd love to hear from anyone - share some pics, talk some shite. I know theres Edinburgh Gardens on Wednesday nights in Melbourne, twilight twirling in Darwin, other events in Adelaide...we'd love to hear from ya. Particularly if you can help out with how these things work in your neck of the woods!
Lucas Carter

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Welcome to Ballarat Fire Sprites...

Hey there children - this is the first blog for this site - I'm creating this blog as part of a bit of a firetwirling and drumming community we have going in Ballarat - central Victoria, Australia.

We're a growing band of twirlers, pyro's, drummers and general good types who gather together around Ballarat for some wicked twirling and sweet drumming. Hopefully this blog will be updated pretty regularly with some words, pictures, sounds and smells - as soon as someone invents something that can carry scent via the internet.

That'd mean a combination of kero and burnt hair.

Anyway - watch this space - there should be more coming.


email us at our email address